The DIYer’s Wardrobe Essentials

So, you’ve decided to take up the art of DIY. You have the instructions, you have the concept, you’ve bought the materials. What could you be missing?
Perhaps the wardrobe essentials to get you started. Today we’ll be talking about all the wardrobe items from head to toe- that are essential for your DIY missions.
1) Hat
A hat might seem trivial at first, but UV rays are no joke.
Whilst beginning your DIY project, many activities might require you to work outside. Activities such as spray-painting large objects, sanding, decoupage, and the like, are best done outside and can be time-consuming, which means a lot of hours spent in the sun.
Invest in a good hat that protects both the face and neck, but of course do not forget to apply sunblock throughout the process.
Alternatively, a hard hat is also another necessity when working with heavy tools and materials. Accidents happen in a matter of seconds and a hard hat can save you from a fatal head injury.
2) Goggles
You would be surprised how easy it is for tiny particles to make their way into your eye and cause irritation.
When working with power tools, safety goggles are an absolute must! Because dust or little shards of wood, metal, or plastic can easily make their way into your eyes and potentially cause a lot of harm.
Safety goggles might also help you see better when engaging in these activities because when the eyes are protected, they can remain fully open.
3) Gloves
Depending on the type of project you will be working on, a pair of safety gloves might just be a good idea.
There is nothing worse than getting a splinter. Who knew such a small piece of wood could cause such large irritation? For woodwork projects, synthetic gloves are highly recommended to prevent splinters and could even help prevent blisters.
In cases of projects that require the use of chemicals and paint, rubber gloves should be used to prevent any chemicals from getting on your skin and causing irritation or even stains.
4) Safety Boots
Since there is a good chance that you’re going to be on your feet the whole day, you are going to want maximum comfort and protection.
Good working boots that we can recommend are the:
• Exposition Hiker WP/ASTM/SOFT TOE or, the
• Excavator Superlite Cool CCT/ASTM/COMP TOE
These Cat boots are vital for engaging in DIY work. These working boots make use of quality technology that provides great traction, cushioning and shielding for your feet.
So now that you have a list of wardrobe essentials, there is nothing holding you back from all your DIYing projects.
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